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The Teplo-Hol GROUP

South Africa • Africa • US • South America • India

Teplo-Hol Manufacturing

We are a leading manufacturer of advanced Thermal Barrier Coatings for the application to various surface types, especially to the exterior of buildings and roofs.

Our coatings can achieve up to a 55% reduction in surface heat penetration depending on the substrate and environmental conditions.


Our well established application division services all parts of South Africa as well as major parts of Africa.

With our National footprint and localised offices in CPT, KZN and JHB we have the ability to service Multi-National clients with ease.

Ventilation & Filtration

Teplo-Hol Ventilation and Filtration designs cost effective solutions for the reduction of heat within facilities, including the addition of filtration systems to achieve specified air quality standards.

The incorporation of evaporative cooling solutions in our ventilation designs have proved to be an economical approach to overcome heat reduction in facilities where conventional cooling is impractical, ineffective or cost-prohibitive.

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